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Naster and HRD Training Group: a training course in the service of our vision

04 July 2022

A high-impact learning event for the Naster team

In a constantly evolving business world, and all the more so in Naster’s highly challenging sector, team building and training activities are key to maintain and enhance competitiveness in the market and ensure increasingly efficient and quality services to our customers. Staff training, together with on-going progress and investment in R&D, have always been keystones of or our mission and our vision. This is why, at Naster, in the weeks between May and June, we organised for our sales team a series of coaching events with HRD Training Group (Roberto Re); held by Matteo Maserati, the events provided training on high-impact communication.

The course with HRD Training Group

The course began on 31 May, was followed by an online event on 13 June, and two new meetings are already scheduled. The aim is to upgrade the professional skills of our team in order to improve and better characterise our value proposal and our vision / mission. The course is an investment in professional training, encompassing:

  • internal and external communication
  • the formulation of value proposals to customers
  • evidencing positive differentiating factors
  • refining the capability to think outside the box for a more effective communication

After two days of training and brainstorming activities, different and better communication abilities may already be discerned – even though the team is only at the start of a long, hands-on training program.

As pointed out by CEO Corrado Malighetti: “ambition, a strong drive to win and professional serenity can only be achieved through professional training, curiosity and incisiveness! Naster already has all these distinctive characteristics, which will be honed and raised to a higher level!